Monday, June 6, 2011

More Observations From the Field

Our last message consisted of interesting things we had noticed so far. It would be unfair to neglect one of the most prolific and entertaining creatures we encounter: the human being. Far from elusive he pops up at the most awkward times, when dave is peeing out of the boat, when we've just sat down to our first meal in hours or when we're so exhausted we can hardly hold our heads up. They all mean well, some are simply more intuitive to what we can handle at that moment. There are incredible behavioural patterns that the motor-boat driving human tends to exhibit. Firstly: driving way too fast for their proximity to us, as if we're slowing them down. They will cut us off, some do circles even! Secondly and slightly in contrast to the previous observation are the dear people who don't want to swamp us in their cruisers so they slow right down. They don't realize that they're putting more of their boat in the water when they come out of plane thus displacing more water giving us a giant roller to forge through. Many people have offered us goodies and places to charge our phone and camera and we are endlessly grateful. However what we are most grateful for is when we ask a questio the human honestly says "I don't know" instead of the customary head scratch, hemming/hawing, throat clearing, guessing, spouting random thoughts and finally calling someone on their phone to arrive at the conclusion of "gee, I don't know." It's always in the spirit of helping, so we can't fault anyone there. Our daily interactions with these creatures never fail to amuse us and give us things to chat about in the many hours a day we spend in the boat. For that we will always love human beings.

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