Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 4 and feelin' fine!

Greetings all! Here we are in our little tent as the rain is starting to fall feeling very good with our progress so far. We've seen some wicked weather, been windbound for 18 hours,have several new blisters and the locks have closed down because of high water. Yep! All this amazing infrastructure so you can go hundreds of kms without getting out of your boat and we have to portage around every single one! We did 10 kms straight today because it was faster than unloading/loading the boat 6 times. But we're still making our distances and having the time of our lives. Life is pretty simple and we're settling into the trip pretty quickly. Somehow tomorrow is day 5 already! Other than being a bit red in the neck, sore on our seats and stiff in our shoulders, we've never felt better. We love you all! Over and out.

1 comment:

  1. If you cuddle, you can share body heat! Take care out there.
